U&I Sugar had a mascot, maybe only at Christmas? A gingerbread boy, smiling because he doesn't know that his fate is sealed. This guy was in...
Tag: Christmas
QFC King deposed? Ads are fickle.
This 1963 "Prudence Penny" insert in the Seattle PI indicates that this is the first Christmas for the little QFC king.
A red and green bandwagon to jump on
Here's another Santa matchbook, this one from the nice people at Du-par's, whoever they are. You have to admit, back when most people smoked,...
Merry Christmas, you old savings and loan!!
Back in the day, folks didn't have credit cards. If they wanted something that was more than they could swing this week, they saved for it....
Think ahead, Santa.
One would think someone that is in the habit of climbing into chimneys on cold winter nights, would not distribute matches. Maybe he should...
Over Already???
I had Christmas week off but have to go back to work tonight. What a drag! I didn't even care about Santa arriving on a huge chicken, God knows we...