Plain or peanut lawn ornaments
Our neighbor has painted some rocks to resemble M&M mascots. They make me smile when walking the dog.
Our neighbor has painted some rocks to resemble M&M mascots. They make me smile when walking the dog.
Kind of in a dark place today, then I found POP ROCKS in one of my junk drawers! I was thinking about offing myself using the Pop Rocks and Coke method, but we don’t have any Coke here… Do you think Diet Doctor Pepper would work? It would be kind of embarrassing to go to…
I have a couple ingrown toenails, so my PCP insists that I have to see a podiatrist… I have an appointment tomorrow. Not sure how he will fix it, the soaking my feet in epsom salts doesn’t seem to be working. I’m fine when I am rambling around the house barefoot, but I tried all…
When using a toaster, there is only a small window of time between “It’s not done yet” and “It’s burned!”
I was walking the dog and found this horribly mutilated phone in the street. Screen just… gone. back, shattered. It does look like the battery is OK? I am going to try to get the battery out without slicing my hands to ribbons- I could make an auxilary power supply. The garage has a bunch…
Some days, I could really use a way to stay (get) (relatively) young.