junque store display table

In case of earthquake

My sister Evelyn saw the printer’s tray I recently acquired, but has a strong preference for this table she saw at a local to her junque store. (pictured) I think her reasoning is that it holds more stuff, plus my plan for a wall display risks everything falling out if we have another earthquake. I’m…

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Zenith Trans-Oceanic with manual

What would TSA think of this portable Zenith?

This portable (luggable?) Zenith radio featured a proprietary antenna that flipped out from the radio to pull in stronger or more distant am radio signals. When stowed, it looked like a small, elegant suitcase. I have a https://neverjethot.com/blog/2019/02/25/happy-to-be-playing-again/ Zenith Transoceanic, which pulls in shortwave bands as well. It has a provision to run on batteries…

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