I have an old blind dog, but he still enjoys walks, I just have to guide him away from parked cars, and other stationary objects. But he is not...
Author: NeverJetHot
Fair carnage
We went to the state fair and sprung for the Demolition Derby as well. BOY HOWDY we got our money's worth- bump-to-pass races, BUS races, BOAT...
NSFW Limericks I appreciate #824
I found this one in an old email from my brother, and laughed again. It is possible to be offended and amused at the same time. There once was a...
Home sweet home
I have various ailments that sometimes land me in the hospital; not my idea of fun, I tell you what. First thing to go out the window; modesty....
In case of earthquake
My sister Evelyn saw the printer's tray I recently acquired, but has a strong preference for this table she saw at a local to her junque store....
Drywall Shotgun!
Drywall installers can get a SPECIAL EDITION engraved stock shotgun!
Slim pickings this campaign season!
As a calm middle-of-the-road voter... Looks like I will be sporting my Archie Bunker campaign button again in 2024
I love the smell of machinery in the morning
Electronics just don’t have that smell of industrial lubricant and extruded plastic these days, and I kind of miss it.
Plain or peanut lawn ornaments
Our neighbor has painted some rocks to resemble M&M mascots. They make me smile when walking the dog.
Suddenly I’m Bob Villa? Not hardly.
I wanted to stain this vital component of our home security system (A stick that goes in the window frame) but it’s a dowel.