I found a batch of these novelty “Comic Cards” from probably the 1950’s? when I was rooting around in one of my filing cabinets.
In this one, two dogs have to pee, but they are afraid to use the only tree-like object in the vicinity, a rather imposing totem pole.
My dog doesn’t get the joke- He’s a squatter, not a leg-lifter.
Scroll down for more, but please note, they could be considered NSFW depending on how uptight your boss is.
The lady with the irritated nipples is looking at the sailor like, “See what shit I put up with?”
I don’t get this one. Didn’t she have about nine months to ascertain the identity of the father? Mom seems to be in shock. Maybe she never learned about the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees, and a thing called love.
PFC Looney was given a full military burial, and his high school football coach gave an inspiring speech at halftime, urging the team to “Win one for the Zipper!”
I would have called this bull a cowpoke, not a cowpuncher. But I’m not from around here.
Mr. Hotchkiss’ HMO doesn’t even cover three-headed babies.
“Where’s Alice?”
“Oh, she’s gone with the Schwinn again! She has this sudden obsession with bicycling.”