Just because it’s Samsung
I thought the water filter for our ice maker was an inline one that goes behind the fridge, it was time so we took almost everything out of the fridge and freezer (Especially the liquids- that’s extra heavy)
Wrestled the fridge out, got back there, guess what? no filter. not under the sink where the line hooks up either. We finally figured out that the filter twists out of a hole below the crisper INSIDE the fridge. Who knew? That’s a much better design!
Unfortunately I had gotten a pack of filters for a different Samsung fridge! And I bought them 3 months ago so can’t return! NUTS!
Oh well, at least it will be an easy fix, and I will make a note of which filter number it uses for future reference.
Now, does anyone have a use for these extra tall filters? $20 including shipping for the 3 pack. I paid about $30.

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