I found a whole shoebox of matchbooks in the office closet! Looks like there are some good old ones in there too. I don't know why I collect stuff...
Month: March 2023
Midol for Men
I used to work with a guy who always seemed to be "MANstruating" - He didn't limit himself to just a few days a month. It's too bad the...
NaturaI corndogs
Who comes up with these goofy Facebook memes? I have to admit though, these do look like corndogs. You often see them growing near the...
Our new doorman
Though shall not pa... FLY? What fly? My parents used to have one of these croaking frog greeters. I think it started to grate on their nerves,...
No more case of the Mondays
HEY COOL I found my Initech mug! It came in an Office Space kit I found at a thrift store years ago. I don't know what happened to the...
It makes me nervous
Whenever we are walking the dog down by the airport, I feel like I am being watched. It just occurred to me, my dog never once peed on this hydrant....
The trains used to run on time!
When I was a kid, I got this train set for Christmas- My parents later sold it to pay for my cub scout uniform! That sure wasn't my idea. I...
There’s got to be a rectangular sun
I got this lamp that is supposed to emit light in the spectrum of daylight. So far, it has not enhanced my mood. Maybe I need to move it to a...
It’s 1969 all over again!
Less about the space race and more about growing up in those times. Recommended for ages 58 and up!
Protection for the stormwater retention pond
This broken Virgin Mary appeared years ago at "Petey's Pond" (So dubbed after the dog I had when we discovered it). Someone put her back together...