Playing Wordfeud with my sister. I have a really lousy hand here, there are five E tiles! I’ve almost cornered the market on the letter E for this game, the whole set only has 12. Should I hoard them to deny her access? Hate to swap tiles, but there is not much to work with here. I should go play Scrabble in the bathroom, because I’m about to have a vowel movement.
BY THE WAY… How is it that (Parker Brothers? Hasbro?) hasn’t sued them? Is it because of the minor differences, such as the ability to put nonsense words up repeatedly until something sticks, or the crazy “random” board my sister Evelyn likes to play, where a person can get a seemingly insurmountable lead on the first turn? Or the frustrating inability to flip the board over and run out of the room crying?
Maybe they worked out some kind of deal. Anyway, I’m really glad it’s there, I really appreciate the chance to prove that at least two of my siblings, and now my nephew, they are all much smarter than me. It really brightens my day. Sometimes I manage to win against a guy from work, but he is 22 and his girlfriend recently moved in with him, so his mind isn’t really in the game.
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