The trouble with geocaches
I could go on and on, blathering about why geocaching is kind of a pain in the butt. (I am working on my bad habit of blathering incessantly. Recently I joined a support group, Onandon anon.)
Today’s gripes;
Looking for a cache where the comments are all saying “A quick find”, “We grabbed this one for a quick find”, etc. We could not find it to save our lives, and probably spent 45 minutes trying. Of course it was the first one of the day. Not an auspicious start.
Then we had GPS bouncing all over due to tall trees. I keep meaning to get a stand-alone GPS to triangulate against the cellphone, but they are all needing me to manually upload the caches to them, and/or maps, etc. who has time for that. Waiting for one with bluetooth that will just grab the whole shooting match off my PC or whatever. The simpler the better.
We wanted to get a certain large cache but it was in the middle of the woods and apparently only accessible via bushwhacking. I have my old mostly blind dog with me, so that is one for another day. We made the long, dejected walk back to the car.
I know what you are thinking…. “Then why don’t you plant a geocache yourself, ya whiny bastard?” I did, I had a big camo costco jar under a tree by the airport, but then they decided to plow up all those trees to build more hangars. Still smarting from that. Someday we’ll try again.
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