Here we have conductor Wilfred Pelletier plucking his Burmese Harp. The discordant sounds are a nice change from the orchestra's pleasant yet...
Month: August 2021
Life insurance company giving out free guns!
OK, life insurance companies aren't giving out free guns. Would you believe, a fire insurance company giving out free matches?
Local toilet paper shortage resolved! Let it roll.
I was ashamed of my lack of planning. I needed the TP but there was none to be had in the master bathroom! I had a difficult choice.
T-Mobile’s Cybersecurity Fail; A Pandora’s box
To soothe everyone's ruffled feathers, they added a "free" Apple TV one year subscription. But they still don't get it; the perk was announced days...
Old school Ammo Can Geocaching Game
We have the original deluxe "Cache Me If You Can" geocaching board game, from 2013. The original, which came in an actual metal ammo box,
Ricky’s 55 cent cheesecake YUM
When my DeLorean is out of the shop, I am going to build a time machine to go back to 1948 for some of that 55 cent cheesecake!
Mix-a-lot’s in trouble!
Sir Mix-a-Lot invited all these classy ladies from the Seattle Symphony audience down to get down. Results were delightful!
Not a good idea to drive like that
This old postcard is cute and all, and the young lady has no choice but to sit close in this loveseat-equipped jalopy.
They melt in your yard, not in your hands.
I noticed that one of our more distant neighbors has these rocks painted to look like the M&M mascots. When I got home from my walk, I made the...
Kids inherit matchbooks, then curse my soul
I have always likes to collect worthless things; Bottlecaps, matchbooks, coins, tokens.