Whirlpool Washing Machine

We plopped down a bundle for this WTW5105HW Whirlpool 4.7-cu ft High-Efficiency Top-Load Washer, so now everybody wants to do laundry. I think our ancient Maytag was like 3.4 cu. feet so this is a big improvement.

We tried to fix that thing, it would only drain sometimes. Maybe something in the water pump? That one, you couldn’t see inside the pump without taking it apart, you couldn’t lift the lid to see what it was doing, because the switch was in the lid hinge! I would expect better from Maytag.

Apparently Whirlpool and Maytag are the same company now, and the new washer has a “Made in USA” sticker on it. It has a plastic lid so you can watch it do it’s thing, and the controls are all push button, not a dial with mysterious markings around it.

We’ve only had it a few days, but have done several loads. So far, so good. I bought it online so they couldn’t beat me over the head about the ripoff warranty.

CONS: $719 including delivery, I guess that’s what they go for these days?

PROS: Lots of capacity! Efficient! Quiet! It has a little brush for pre-treating stains. Made in USA.

JULY UPDATE: The efficiency and capacity of this machine over our old Maytag appears to be saving us about $25 every MONTH!

That’s good for our budget AND for the environment!

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