They got the memo

I have noticed that newspaper cartoonists often use variations on the same gag on any given day. For example, the other day, Dilbert and F minus ran variations on a joke involving consultants shooting themselves in the foot. Dogbert is probably right… the people that would buy that book would do so without stopping to…

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A Seattle thing

I always though the newspaper comic “The Berrys” was set in the midwest, but this is such a northwest thing. Usually rain off and on in the morning, maybe clear up for a few hours after lunch. At least it’s not humid. I wouldn’t mind, but the dog gets muddy.

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My former employer tried a clever approach to the problem of people wasting time in the loo… They took out some of the lighting, leaving only enough to “do your business” but not enough to read the newspaper. Eventually the lights returned, probably the maintenance man didn’t get the message.

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Why not a Doberman?

This guy’s lion… a good burglar deterrent? Perhaps. But wouldn’t she cost a fortune in gazelle meat, and kitty litter? And forget having nice furniture. She’s supposed to be “not mean, just playful”… Yeah, the same could be said of our Calico, Maize. But she plays rough!

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