No Baron of Beef, I had Captain Crunch for dinner.

Here is the sad tale of the Parliament Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. Looks like a nice place in it’s day, with a Baron of Beef for a hearty meal, the “cork room” to get properly corked. Not sure what went on in the “Once a Knight” lounge.

Unfortunately, the Parliament seemed to be one of cursed places that just can’t make a go of it. Even when the hotel was flush, the owners sometimes had their own problems. There were bankruptcies, it changed ownership groups several times. In 1975, two Baron of Beef waiters shot each other to death over a $20 tip, they say.

Finally there was a covenant restriction that the next buyer can not use the property as a hotel. So, KABOOM.

It’s now a medical facility, something to do with proton therapy? So that’s good.

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