It turns out, there is nothing she likes in Dick's Sporting Goods, although she was looking at the guns.
Year: 2021
Drink up Chuck and Di for this royal postage stamp
I know it's hard to believe, but people used to collect postage stamps, in albums. They would examine the perforations and other details with a...
So one day our Lenova All in One PC greeted me with nothing more than the words “operating system not found”. I was all, “Well, have a look around!...
The Philips Radio Zap
Philips radios sounded great, and beautiful cabinetry too. It's too bad they apparently had a problem with static electricity.
Look over the horizon, sailor.
This young sailor is getting a HUGE redhead tattooed on his chest. Dude... What if Uncle Sam sends you to, say, Okinawa?
My dog Cody typically investigates EVERYTHING on any given trail, but he turns up his nose at pond scum.
Here we see the wild North American Fire Truck stalking it’s prey
There is an old fire truck in the shrubs, it seems to be stalking some sort of prey, maybe a Yugo that has fallen behind the pack. At least I think...
Throw your voice! Boys only!
Apparently only boys can learn to throw their voices. I think that has something to do with girls not having an adam's apple. This must be a...
The donkey and the lion
couldn't figure out the rebus on this postcard, because I thought it was a horse, not a donkey, aka ass. I was distracted by the smoking, the...
My Computer is going bananas
My sad tale of the day; In recent weeks, my computer has developed a habit of freezing up 2 or 3 times at least, every day. Malware and virus scans...