Home of the future of the past
From my wife’s 1962 World’s Fair stuff, a guide to the “plywood house of light”. Look at the curves! Kids were probably punished by being told to stand in the corner.
It looks like a nice place, but I would worry about moisture damaging all that plywood.
This house allows the owner to control all lights and appliances from any chosen location. I take this to mean that they choose the location of the automaid console when setting up the house, but I could be wrong.
The lights are all timed and regulated, and it has a Lennox heat pump!
Another handy feature is the garage turntable, so you never have to back into the street. Also, the garage door looks like a plain section of wall from the outside. Why don’t we have that now? Garage doors are ugly.
Now Teresa is going to wonder why I am in a funk. It’s just that this house is square. And I don’t mean that in a good way.
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