Clark's pizza's matchbooks had a public service message, "Don't get sauced". They probably had a few customers that were causing trouble...
Month: June 2020
Canada on the ball
New restaurant in Ottawa, not sure what they serve. But they have "Plenty on the ball". The golfer lady, well I am no golf swing expert, but...
LARGEST SIGN! That’s good luck!
I just acquired this 30-strike matchbook from The Las Vegas Club, a very early casino in Vegas, judging by the Hupmobiles or whatever in the...
Madison Avenue likes what it likes.
I don't understand what the point of this Barbasol ad was, but the cartoon is cute and clever. What do you expect from Popular Mechanics? ...
Mixed messages
The East Stroudsburg Exchange Club decided to outdo the West Stroudsburg club, and started an anti-forest fire campaign. I don't know whose...
Is it a screw or a nail?
We used to sell these "reproduction" cathouse tokens at our novelty store, back in the day. I use the word reproduction loosely, because I doubt...
Keep the shiny side up.
I guess these Army jeeps were not built for precision or comfort. There is a picture my dad took around here somewhere... I think it was in...
Here's a matchbook from a place called Charlies. On the cover, it appears that Charlie has been roofied. Her establishment was at 1303 S...
We’ll see.
It is father's day again, but I don't even have a recliner, I have to envy my dad's. I will probably get a "World's Greatest Dad" trinket today,...
Honest Harold
I like the Harold's ad campaign that straight-up told people they would lose their shirt there. In reality, it was probably about the same odds as...