We would be benevolent royalty

Daphne’s birthday rolled around again, this time she chose the Experience Music Project (EMP museum) at Seattle Center. We aren’t really that interested in seeing the Nirvana exhibit, however the room with antique guitars was interesting.

I spent the extra $5 per for the Science Fiction museum housed within; There was an exhibit about horror movies that was really interesting, but I am still not sure which museum it was a part of.

The Myths and Monsters (?) exhibit had these huge thrones, and by then Teresa and I were just glad to sit down and rule over this dystopian scene, if only for a moment.

As expected, on a Sunday afternoon it was loud, crowded, and overstimulated all senses. The building and exhibits were laid out haphazardly, what do you expect from a building that looks like a giant alien slug? Sorry, I guess art is subjective… Anyway Daphne started feeling sick and everyone else got a headache… So we missed out on the Star Trek exhibit. Should have went there first I guess.
John and Teresa on a large throne at Seattle's POP museum

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